Your Safety Product Source
Protect Your Facility, Employees, and Visitors with Edge Supply
We have partnered with experienced and knowledgeable manufacturers in regulatory compliance, hazard identification, safety management, and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) selection and application, to assist safety managers and facility personnel in establishing safety standards in the work place.
Our expanded line of safety items focused on providing you with items needed to keep you and your facility safe and in compliance in the following key areas:
Personal Protection >
Fire/Gas Protection >
Eyewash Stations >
Safety Signs & Tape >
Lockout Locks >
Wall & Post Protectors >
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) That Best Meets Your Needs
There are three basic types of eye and face protection.
First, there's the most common form of protective eyewear known as spectacles. These look like normal glasses, except they have an industrial design and are produced from stronger materials – and they often have side shields.
Second, there are protective goggles, which are more all-encompassing in that they normally form a protective seal around both eyes – and the material is flush to the face. There are two basic types of goggles; impact and chemical. Chemical goggles have hooded or indirect ventilation paths protecting the worker from chemical splashes. Impact or “cover” goggles have direct ventilation holes and protect against direct impact and large particles.
Lastly, there are face shields or protective helmets used in welding, grinding, or sanding. They can also be used in areas where there is a potential for splashing of hazardous materials. Remember, face shields or helmets are considered to be secondary protectors and must always be worn over protective spectacles or goggles.
Noise-induced hearing loss has been called the most common permanent and preventable occupational injury. According to U.S. federal law, it is the responsibility of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] to regulate permissible noise exposure levels in the workplace. The OSHA CFR 1910.95 regulation requires employers first to utilize "engineering controls" to reduce noise levels in their work environments. Should these controls fail to reduce noise to acceptable limits, the regulation states that "personal protective equipment shall be provided and used to reduce sound levels."
Employers are also required to implement an "effective hearing conservation program" whenever employee noise exposure levels equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average sound level (TWA) of 85 dB. As part of the conservation program, sound levels must be monitored and documented, and noise-exposed employees must receive annual training and audiometric testing, and be "fitted with hearing protectors, trained in their use and care, and required to use them."
RR [Noise Reduction Rating] – This rating is used in the United States, and is accepted for use in a variety of other countries. The current range of NRRs available in the U.S. market extends from 0 to 33 decibels. Published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1979,1 the NRR labeling requirement is a standardized format for all hearing protectors distributed in the U.S. The EPA defines the type face size, font, wording and placement on the package for the NRR label. The chart showing mean attenuation values and standard deviations at each of the seven test frequencies (from 125 Hz through 8000 Hz) is also part of the labeling required by EPA.
Selecting and Using Particulate Filter Disposable Respirators depends on the particulates you are trying to avoid breathing.
There are nine separate filter categories for particulate respirators detailed in NIOSH 42 CFR 84 regulations. Which consist of three separate filter classes (N, R, P) at three separate filter efficiencies (95%, 99%, 99.97%).
N—class particulate respirators — approved for solid and liquid particulates, excluding oils. Time use restrictions may apply.
R—class is for both oil and non-oil solid and liquid particulates, with a maximum 8-hour or one shift use, time restrictions when used for oil mists.
P—class respirator is approved for both oil and non-oil particulates and has no time use restriction. All respirators used as part of a written respiratory program must follow the requirements set forth in OSHA 1910.134 or CSA standard Z95.4-9. OSHA requires that all respirators, including disposables, be fit tested at least annually. Disposable particulate respirators can be fit tested using the Bitrex® or Saccharin qualitative fit test method. Disposable filtering facepieces can also be fit tested quantitatively using a PortaCount machine for N99 and P100, and with the N95 PortaCount Companion for N95.
Work Zone Safety Materials That Best Meet Your Demands
Experts agree that eyes utilize more than 65 percent of the pathways to the brain, contributing nearly 85 percent of an individual's total knowledge. Yet, because the eye is often minimally protected; it is particularly vulnerable to injury — especially in the workplace. In fact, more than 2,000 workplace eye injuries occur every day, with nearly 100,000 of these injuries resulting in temporary or permanent vision loss per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The cost of these injuries is staggering. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the financial cost of occupational eye injuries is more than $300 million per year and includes lost production time, medical expenses and workers' compensation.
What Causes Workplace Eye Injuries?
While the causes of workplace eye injuries vary by industry, the overwhelming majority of incidents involve flying particles or falling objects striking the eye at a high rate of speed. Many of these particles are smaller than the head of a pin.
A full 20 percent of all eye injuries sustained on the job are caused by chemicals, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
What is Being Done About Workplace Eye Safety?
The enormous number of incidents and costs related to workplace eye injuries has given rise to a variety of private sector and federal initiatives and regulations to address and mitigate the consequences.
Prevention is Key. The first defense against workplace eye injury is prevention. Proper eye and face protection, the proper use of equipment guards, safety conscious manufacturing processes and education and training initiatives can be effective in reducing the number of injuries incurred.
Response is Critical. The second defense against workplace eye injury is the capability to treat accidents quickly and effectively. When an accident happens, timely and proper treatment is critical to minimize the effects of the injury, and perhaps, in whole or in part, save the injured person's eyesight. To that end, the government has developed a number of recommendations and regulations relating to on-the-job eye safety.
Preventing the release of hazardous energy while employees preform servicing and maintenance activities to machinery or equipment is an important safety area, as has been noted in OSHA The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/TagOut), Tile 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1910.147
First aid refers to the medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs and at the location where it occurred. We provide a wide variety of items that meet the needs for most minor injuries.