Product Description
For light scrubbing of floors with autoscrubber prior to burnishing. Excellent daily cleaning pad, minimal finish removal. Open construction resists clogging and allows for easy cleaning.|Scrubs and cleans|For daily use|Ideal for use on an autoscrubber|Made of high qualifty syntehtic fibers in a non-woven web bonded with a durable resin system that permeates the entire pads|High Solids finish with excellent leveling and fast dry time|Easy application - low mop drag|Excellent slip resistance|Formulation is APE-free and meets CARB 2010 standards for VOCs in floor finishes|Superior soil, abrasion, and black mark resistance|Certified by Green Seal for Environmental Innovation based on a design for significantly improved durability compared to competitive products, extending the useful life of the floor pad and reducing solid waste generation.Product Videos
Custom Field
UNSPSC Code 47130000