Product Description
The RIDGID straight-handle cast-iron pipe wrench gives you a firm grasp, to help you generate the leverage you need. The rugged steel jaws with serrated teeth provide a firm grasp on your workpiece. The straight Pipe Wrench has a sturdy, ductile-iron housing and an I-beam handle with a full floating forged hook jaw. It features self-cleaning threads with replaceable hook and heel jaws.Heavy-duty pipe wrenches comply with federal specifications GGG-W65IE, Type II, Class A.Straight Pipe Wrench are suitable for all forms of pipe work.Designed to turn pipe and tighten and loosen threaded pipe connections with round threaded fittings.Efficient designs to improve productivity.Time-tested. Innovative to provide new solutions to old problems.8 inches nominal length of handle.Full lifetime warranty against material defects and workmanship.1 inch jaw capacityProduct Videos
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UNSPSC Code 27111708