Product Description
Ergodyne 6283 Clear Rechargeable Phase Change Ice Pack Compatible With Chill Its 6483 Cooling Neck Gaiter €“ Pack Designed To Fit In Interior Back-Of-Neck Pocket For Enhanced Cooling (Chill-Its 6483 Cooling Neck Gaiter Sold Separately Or Kitted With The 6482 Cooling Neck Gaiter Bandana With Pocket €“ Kit With Charge Pack) IMMEDIATE & LONG-LASTING COOLING RELIEF €“ Pack maintains 64°F (18°C) for up to 2 hours EASY ACTIVATION €“ Conveniently activate by placing in cooler of ice water for 5 minutes, freezer for 9 minutes, refrigerator for 12 minutes or near an air conditioner for 1 to 2 hours RECHARGABLE €“ Recharge to reactivate cooling HAND WASH, HAND DRY €“ Do not machine wash or dry Mfg #12213|Compatible With Chill Its 6483 Cooling Neck Gaiter €“ Pack Designed To Fit In Interior Back-Of-Neck Pocket For Enhanced Cooling (Chill-Its 6483 Cooling Neck Gaiter Sold Separately Or Kitted With The 6482 Cooling Neck Gaiter Bandana With Pocket €“ Kit With Charge Pack)|IMMEDIATE & LONG-LASTING COOLING RELIEF €“ Pack maintains 64°F (18°C) for up to 2 hours|EASY ACTIVATION €“ Conveniently activate by placing in cooler of ice water for 5 minutes, freezer for 9 minutes, refrigerator for 12 minutes or near an air conditioner for 1 to 2 hours|RECHARGABLE €“ Recharge to reactivate coolingProduct Videos
Custom Field
UNSPSC Code 46181500