Product Description
Aunt Flow Disposable Bag Dispenser With Rolls Plastic Sanitary Product Disposable Bag Dispenser, With The Capacity Of 4 Rolls (80 Individual Bags) Easy to install with double-sided adhesive strips included Order 1 dispenser per stall, place near the disposal trash bin Pull one bag, simply rip at the perforation Keyless with hidden latch to open and reload dispenser Mfg #DISP-DISBAG-2|Plastic Sanitary Product Disposable Bag Dispenser, With The Capacity Of 4 Rolls (80 Individual Bags)|Easy to install with double-sided adhesive strips included|Order 1 dispenser per stall, place near the disposal trash bin|Pull one bag, simply rip at the perforationProduct Videos
Custom Field
UNSPSC Code 47131702