Product Description
Flex Seal is an easy-to-use rubberized coating that sprays out as a liquid, seeps into cracks and holes and dries to a watertight, flexible coating. Flex Seal seals out water, air and moisture and helps prevent rust and corrosion. Once dry, Flex Seal can be painted over. Stops leaks fast.|Easy to use, portable, aerosol spray|Seeps into cracks and holes|Dries to a watertight, flexible, rubberized coating|Use on wet or dry surfaces|Stays flexible and pliable, lasts for years|Will not sag or drip in summer heat|Will not crack or peel in winter cold|Stops vibrations and deadens noise|Protects surface from corrosion|Once completely dry, it can be painted any color|Use also on aluminum, porcelain, drywall, and cement|Like a handyman, in a can - Phil SwiftProduct Videos
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UNSPSC Code 31201700