R-22 Phaseout
Only EPA-certified technicians can purchase refrigerants. You must provide proof of an active certification prior to ordering any refrigerant cylinders. Due to the EPA phaseout of R-22 (effective 1/1/2020), pricing and availability of R-22 may change daily. Please contact Customer Service by email or call 866-715-3343 for your local price and availability.
Substitute and Alternative R-22 Products
We offer the following alternatives and substitutes to R-22:

Is R-22 Still Available?
Effective 1/1/2020, the EPA outlawed the manufacture and importation of R-22 in the U.S.A. We are working with suppliers keep product in stock, but we are not assured of availability as nationwide inventory decreases. Please shop our website or call Customer Service for price and availability.
Why the Phaseout?
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are ozone-depleting substances used extensively in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. The most common HCFC refrigerant is R-22.
In response to environmental concerns, the EPA issued mandates to switch to safer, more eco-friendly options. As the R-22 supply decreases, the price will increase.
Next Steps
We're here to help you stay informed. You are not legally required to stop using R-22. However, it could be advantageous to switch to a newer HVAC system that runs on R-410A. Ask your sales professional about available options for making the switch to a more energy-efficient HVAC system.