Medicine Cabinets

Well, most of them, anyway!

If your medicine cabinet is recessed into the drywall, order a sample to first ensure the door will open when frames.

1. See if the door opens, when holding the sample 1/4" out from the edge of the door on the hinge side.
If YES, order with 1/4" space on all sides of the mirror.
2. If the door cannot open, try the sample flush with edge of the door. Now open the door.

Did door open all the way? If YES: Order with o" space on all sides. If NO, call your sales representative. It still may fit.

Does your medicine cabinet have a bevel on the edge of the mirror? Is it less than 1" in width? You will lose the bevel but you won't miss it! A frame looks so much more finished! And if you have a recessed frame, do order a sample and follow the instructions above.