Southwire | sku: 648129 Southwire 50 ft. 14/2 Solid Romex Simpull CU NM-B W/G Wire Log in for pricing Compare
Southwire | sku: 3582280 Southwire Southwire Copper Simpull Thhn Stranded Wire, #1, Black Log in for pricing Compare
Southwire | sku: 3578656 Southwire Southwire Thhn 2/0 Gauge Wire, Stranded Type, Black, 1 Ft. Log in for pricing Compare
Southwire Company | sku: 202316266 Southwire 500 Ft. 18/2 Gray Stranded Cu Cl3R Shielded Security Cable Log in for pricing Compare
Southwire | sku: 648129 Southwire 50 ft. 14/2 Solid Romex Simpull CU NM-B W/G Wire Southwire Romex Brand SIMpull NM-B (nonmetallic-sheathed) cable may be used for both exposed and concealed work in normally dry locations at temperatures not to exceed 90C (with ampacity limited to that for 60C conductors) as specified in the National... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 136850 Southwire 100 ft. 12 Green Solid CU THHN Wire Southwires THHN and THWN is a multi-purpose building wire used in conduit and cable trays for service, feeders and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a conductor in NM-B, UF-B, SER, SEU and MC. Southwires THHN... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 136825 Southwire 100 ft. 12 Red Stranded CU THHN Wire Southwires THHN and THWN is a multi-purpose building wire used in conduit and cable trays for service, feeders and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a conductor in NM-B, UF-B, SER, SEU and MC. Southwires THHN... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 136824 Southwire 100 ft. 12 White Stranded CU THHN Wire Southwires THHN and THWN is a multi-purpose building wire used in conduit and cable trays for service, feeders and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a conductor in NM-B, UF-B, SER, SEU and MC. Southwires THHN... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 136820 Southwire 50 ft. 12 White Stranded CU THHN Wire Southwires THHN and THWN is a multi-purpose building wire used in conduit and cable trays for service, feeders and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a conductor in NM-B, UF-B, SER, SEU and MC. Southwires THHN... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 136819 Southwire 50 ft. 12 Black Stranded CU THHN Wire Southwires THHN and THWN is a multi-purpose building wire used in conduit and cable trays for service, feeders and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a conductor in NM-B, UF-B, SER, SEU and MC. Southwires THHN... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 136813 Southwire 50 ft. 10 Red Stranded CU THHN Wire Southwires THHN and THWN is a multi-purpose building wire used in conduit and cable trays for service, feeders and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a conductor in NM-B, UF-B, SER, SEU and MC. Southwires THHN... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 3582280 Southwire Southwire Copper Simpull Thhn Stranded Wire, #1, Black Southwire Type THHN or THWN-2 conductors are primarily used in conduit and cable trays for services, feeders and branch circuits in commercial or industrial applications as specified in the NEC 2. When used as Type THHN or T90 Nylon conductor is suitable... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 3578656 Southwire Southwire Thhn 2/0 Gauge Wire, Stranded Type, Black, 1 Ft. 2/0 gaugeStrandedPrimarily used in conduit and cable trays for services, feeders, and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications as specified in th 2008 Natioanl Electrical CodeBlack Log in for pricing
Southwire Company | sku: 202316266 Southwire 500 Ft. 18/2 Gray Stranded Cu Cl3R Shielded Security Cable This Security Cable is suitable for interconnection of electrical devices within a security and fire protective signaling system. Constructed with polyvinylchloride insulation and an overall polyvinylchloride jacket. It is also used for data... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 136815 Southwire 100 Ft. 10 Black Stranded Cu Thhn Wire Southwires THHN and THWN is a multi-purpose building wire used in conduit and cable trays for service, feeders and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a conductor in NM-B, UF-B, SER, SEU and MC. Southwires THHN... Log in for pricing
Southwire | sku: 136816 Southwire 100 Ft. 10 White Stranded Cu Thhn Wire Southwires THHN and THWN is a multi-purpose building wire used in conduit and cable trays for service, feeders and branch circuits in commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a conductor in NM-B, UF-B, SER, SEU and MC. Southwires THHN... Log in for pricing